Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Part 1

Starting on Friday Isaac's Halloween weekend began.  Today is actually Halloween and yet he's had so much fun already.

Friday was his school party.  Dylan was able to get off work that day and was with him at school.  They trick or treated from classroom to classroom and then got to enjoy many goodies including a big chocolate cupcake.

Here are some pictures from that day.

This picture says to me "Either get me out of this or let's get going"

This is the signature scowl.  He's just a little worried about where his friend got their cupcake from.

Love it!!

On Saturday night we went to my co-worker/friend Judy's house.  Her 6 year old daughter was hosting a Halloween party.  He was by far the youngest but had a super fun time spraying silly string, eating cupcakes, and flirting with the older women (aka 6 year old girls).  By 7 pm he was ready to crash.

Tonight is the real trick or treating.  I'm not sure how long will go but it will be so fun.


  1. Sounds like he had fun! Wish we could have been there! Thanks for putting up the pictures, they turned out great!
