Saturday, January 29, 2011

Using up what I've got...

I have a new year's resolution that technically started in November.  I'm using the Dave Ramsey method on my body creams.  I noticed that over the years I have been collecting random bottles and tubes of lotion.  I also receive them as gifts because people know that I like to buy them.  Dave Ramsey says to pay off debt you should start with the smallest balances so you can compound payments and feel the success of paying of balances.  So, I am using all of my lotion, not allowing myself to buy any more until it's all gone.  I'm starting with the travel sizes and using them up.  I have used up several and it makes me feel good to throw away empty bottles and clear out the space from under my sink.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea. I have done that too. Seeing a drawer or shelf less cluttered almost feels like losing 5 lbs.(I said "almost"). It's easier to get ready because you're not sifting through so much stuff.
